Here come the endorsements! Firebrand Texan congressman Chip Roy became the first representative to raise his ten-gallon hat in support of Ron DeSantis, a man who also favors wearing cowboy boots with his suits. The endorsement comes as a letter to Roy’s constituents that ticks off the biggest bullet points in DeSantis’s arsenal, on Covid, culture wars and actually winning elections:
“Governor DeSantis makes clear he would lead our nation as commander-in-chief with the kind of resolve and sober strength that produces peace through strength. A veteran himself, he recognizes that a military is best when it is strong, non-politically correct and lethal — while being sparingly but decisively used and not mired in endless protracted military engagements all around the globe,” Roy writes. “It’s time for younger, but proven, leadership to offer America eight solid years of transformational change. It’s time for Ron DeSantis to be president of the United States.”
There’s just one tiny problem: Ron DeSantis isn’t running for president yet. And he probably won’t be until the end of the Florida legislative session in May.
So why did Roy take the time to be first out of the gate on the Ides of March? Is it to give others the permission to shiv Caesar, too? Cockburn hears that’s exactly what’s about to happen: that a number of politicians with strong conservative credentials, including some of those categorized by Sleepy Joe Biden as “extreme MAGA Republicans,” could be next to join the DeSantis endorsement train.
How will Donald Trump react? He endorsed more than 160 members of Congress and the Senate who won in 2022, but only around thirty of those politicians have done the same for him as of yet. Cockburn is certain that Trump won’t publicly grouse, or say he regrets backing those who choose the other Floridian for 2024. The Donald, famously thick-skinned alpha that he is, will take it in stride, like a man… right?