The Donald Trump phenomenon has coincided with a far more odious trend: the criminalisation of American politics. Whether it’s Hillary’s emails, Watergate, Whitewater or Iran-Contra, politics’ losers have increasingly turned to the courts as recourse for their electoral woes.If you can’t beat ‘em, jail ‘em.If Robert Mueller wishes to threaten the republic itself to sate the secular pieties of America’s legal class (and get a nice cocktail reception in his honor at Bill Kristol’s McLean mcmansion), and if Donald Trump doesn’t fight the inquisition with fire and fury, members of the president’s inner circle may well go to prison.So, who, then? Paul Manafort is already there. Anyone joining him? Cockburn investigates.3000-1: George NaderThe more sinister, less-covered George of Trump World. He’s been to jail once, and would probably contribute to the planet’s recidivism rate if he hadn’t cut a deal with Mueller.3000-1: Felix SaterAnother ex-felon with an immunity deal. 3000-1: Rick GatesPaul Manafort’s deputy from Ukraine. Another refugee from Trump world who has made a deal with Robert Mueller.99-1: President Donald J. TrumpCockburn doesn’t mean to encourage the ritual suicide of Louise Mensch, but this is just not happening. It’s not. Nixon was pardoned by Ford, and the Donald, never short on bravado, worse comes to worst, will just do it himself. He’s said as much!85-1: Stephen K. BannonWorst case he’ll officially defect to Italy.50-1: