I can see one possible benefit of having a full inquiry into the almost exclusively Muslim grooming gangs who raped and assaulted and in some cases murdered young white girls and are perhaps still doing so in a selection of Britain’s ghastliest towns. The number of lawyers it would employ and the enormous salaries they receive might just about tilt the country out of a recession next quarter. I can’t see much other benefit. Anyone who thinks it might provide justice for the thousands of girls and their families is living under a grave delusion.
The terms and limits of such an inquiry would be decided by the government, which would also appoint its chairman or woman who would almost certainly be an arse, if a well-remunerated and lettered arse. The thing would drag on for at least five years, come to no new conclusions and almost certainly cost more than the £191 million ($236 million) spent on the Bloody Sunday Inquiry. In Britain, public inquiries reveal the whole truth only if they are held a minimum of fifty years after whatever outrage it is took place, when everybody involved is long dead. They are especially useless when examining an issue in which the presiding government has skin in the game. And boy, does the government have skin in this game.
In any case, we know exactly what happened and the only questions which remain are metaphysical. A bunch of our institutions — Parliament, social workers, the police and to a great extent the media — have been co-opted into an asinine ideology which is full of so many contradictions that in order for it to hold, individuals and institutions must guard themselves with great tenacity against that most vexing of things, the truth. Turn a blind eye. Ignore all realities which might undermine that ideology and either pretend they do not exist or make fatuous excuses for them.
The question that remains in this particular case is what percentage of those coppers, social workers, teachers and MPs actively bought into the ideology — which we might here call cultural relativism and a disdain for the values and mores of the white English working class — and which of them refused to act out of a craven fear that they would be labeled as racist. And in the end, those questions don’t really add up to a hill of beans. It doesn’t matter.
We already know that police, politicians and social workers were told repeatedly that terrible things were being done and were quite averse to doing anything about it. No public inquiry, then, will find out anything we didn’t know already. The sole exception to that is perhaps to have a bit of a poke around in the Crown Prosecution Service, circa 2009, and get an idea of how much the boss knew when the CPS decided not to prosecute when it was handed copious evidence. And that’s only really of use in nailing the prime minister.
What we really need is a holy war, a crusade. Not against Britain’s communities of Muslims, but against a white liberal paradigm which demands that its adherents lie — lie to themselves, lie to the rest of us — in order to keep that wretched ideology afloat. They are still doing it now, with the rape gang stuff. The words “Muslim” and “Islam” have not been mentioned much, have they? We are happy to call the perpetrators “mainly Pakistani,” but not “almost exclusively Muslim.” Now, here’s my analysis of this. If the perpetrators had been 98 percent Methodists or Christadelphians or Devil worshippers, I suspect that a bit of delving might have taken place. A bit of curiosity might have been piqued among the police and the press about why this particular religion — and then, as a corollary, why white victims? Did it have any relevance to the crimes that were committed? And I suspect that they would have concluded, if they were being honest, that it did indeed.
To use one of those awful phrases from the Tyranny of Now, we demand zero tolerance of prevarications, obfuscations and downright lies being flung at us by people who feel a need to protect their inane and already crumbling belief systems. We should all rise up as one and cry out when we’re told that the perpetrator of some outrage in London or Manchester is “Norwegian” or “had mental health issues” when we know damn well he was a jihadi and was murdering white folk because he loathed everything we represent — including, as it happens, the liberal ideology which permits him to squat in the country in a basement flat calculating how to stab as many people as possible within five minutes.
We know the figures. According to statistics presented to the UK Parliament in 2018, some 90 percent of convicted terrorists were Muslims — or, if you prefer, Islamists. I would argue that a failure to tell the truth on such occasions is the prime reason those football hoolies rioted last summer: after the Southport stabbing because: they believe, with some justification, that there is a conspiracy against telling the whole truth. And when we discover that a factotum or politician is obfuscating, we should have them removed from office in a national outpouring of fury. We should tolerate being lied to no longer. We are not fools. We are not going to start attacking ordinary, peaceable Muslims, of whom there are a great many, or torching mosques, of which there are also a great many. We just demand the right to truth.
Similar sorts of lies are disseminated in order to justify the absurdist demands of the transgender lobby — lies which deny scientific realities. You will hear the same sort of dissembling when it comes to the crime figures in London — or, more to the point, who is doing all the stabbing and the shooting these days. We do not need a public inquiry to inform us that we have been consistently lied to for decades. What we need is an implacable determination to identify the liars and remove them from office.
This article was originally published in The Spectator’s February 2025 World edition.
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