A new era for The Spectator in America

A note from the editor about our change in ownership


Astute readers might know of the sale process The Spectator has been going through for the past several months. At long last, The Spectator has found a new owner — Sir Paul Marshall, the proprietor of UnHerd in the UK.

The sale price of $131 million is a testament to the value and importance of The Spectator brand and everything it stands for.

The US edition of The Spectator was established in 2018, with our monthly print edition appearing in 2019 — and we’ve grown every year since. First edited by Freddy Gray, the publication has made an indelible mark on matters of…

Astute readers might know of the sale process The Spectator has been going through for the past several months. At long last, The Spectator has found a new owner — Sir Paul Marshall, the proprietor of UnHerd in the UK.

The sale price of $131 million is a testament to the value and importance of The Spectator brand and everything it stands for.

The US edition of The Spectator was established in 2018, with our monthly print edition appearing in 2019 — and we’ve grown every year since. First edited by Freddy Gray, the publication has made an indelible mark on matters of politics, arts and culture. We’re excited by what our new future holds and look forward to new investments across our entire operation.

As we move into the next phase of our US operation, I’d love to hear from you, our readers, about what you love and what you’d like to see change about what we’re doing. You can always email me at zack@thespectator.com.

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