Russia’s aristocratic anarchist

Plus Damien Hirst’s diamond skull, triggering Harry Potter and more

Peter Kropotkin and his wife Sofia Grigorevna. Public domain.

In the latest issue of The New Criterion, Gary Saul Morson writes about Peter Kropotkin. Kropotkin was raised in an “ancient and highly privileged” Russian family, but he became disillusioned with the aristocracy and came to view serfdom as a great evil. He was recommended to a post in East Siberia early in his life. The five years he spent there, Morson writes, changed him:
When he arrived in Irkutsk, the capital of East Siberia, the spirit of reform reigned and the young governor-general was delighted to have a liberal on his staff. He assigned Kropotkin to outline reforms…

In the latest issue of The New Criterion, Gary Saul Morson writes about Peter Kropotkin. Kropotkin was raised in an “ancient and highly privileged” Russian family, but he became disillusioned with the aristocracy and came to view serfdom as a great evil. He was recommended to a post in East Siberia early in his life. The five years he spent there, Morson writes, changed him:

When he arrived in Irkutsk, the capital of East Siberia, the spirit of reform reigned and the young governor-general was delighted to have a liberal on his staff. He assigned Kropotkin to outline reforms for the prisons and the system of Siberian political exile. By the time these proposals worked their way back to the centers of power, however, such reforms were no longer so welcome.

This failure led Kropotkin to reject all reforms as futile. That conclusion is all the more remarkable because no Russian ruler between Peter the Great and Lenin transformed the country more than Alexander II. I do not know whether the imperial rescript of February 19, 1861, proclaiming the liberation of the serfs—70 percent of the population—was, as some have called it, the most extensive legislative act in history, but it decisively changed more lives than any other tsarist reform. And that was only the beginning.

Following his conversion to radicalism, Kropotkin eventually traveled to Switzerland, “where he met Bakunin’s anarchist disciples, returned to Russia, joined the revolutionary Chaikovsky circle, was arrested, and staged a dramatic escape from a prison hospital. Arriving back in Europe, he agitated, found himself expelled from Switzerland and France, and at last settled in Britain, where this aristocrat was lionized and became friends with George Bernard Shaw and William Morris. Supporting himself with articles for scientific publications, he soft-pedaled agitation so as not to be expelled from this last country of refuge. Instead, he worked out the theoretical—he said ‘scientific’—basis of anarchism.”

Kropotkin is sometimes thought of as a humane terrorist. In his 1899 Memoirs of Revolutionist, Kropotkin wrote that the “question is how to attain the greatest results with the most limited amount of civil war, the smallest number of victims, and a minimum of mutual embitterment.” In reality, Morson writes, Kropotkin did little to limit violence:

In fact, Kropotkin never condemned anarchist violence, no matter how gratuitous. Even the worst, in his view, was an understandable reaction to oppression. At the London anarchist congress of 1881, he approved the use of chemistry to create bombs for “offensive and defensive purposes.” He financed anarchists returning to Russia to commit terrorist acts. While he cautioned his followers against violence “isolated from the masses,” he was “not afraid to proclaim, do whatever you like, act entirely accordance with your own discretion.”

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