If you want casual sex in Australia, an online mistress, a “milf live chat,” or even just “local adult hookups now,” Congressman Henry Cuellar has got you covered.
It’s unclear what’s going on with Cuellar’s campaign website, but it’s currently overrun with not safe for work topics. “Start a new adventure with local swinger couples now,” one post reads. “This really is a powerful way to explore new intimate fantasies and satisfy new people,” the Texas Democrat lets us know via his website.
Separately, a post in Russian reads “Гоксбет 2 Ставь на свои цели!” telling readers that they should gamble their money. If you’re feeling adventurous and want to travel, Cuellar’s got you covered. If you’re up for going Down Under, you can “luxuriate in casual sex in perth[, Australia] tonight.” Strewth!
Feeling less adventurous? “Find hook ups nearby – begin now,” viewers are told. Another helpful guide for Cuellar supporters discusses “how to find an online mistress.” A grammatically incorrect message celebrates that “how to find an online mistress just isn’t since hard as you might think.”
The hack is the the latest weird way that Cuellar has found himself in the news; he was infamously carjacked last year and while he recovered almost everything, the criminals did make off with his sushi.
At the time of publication, the posts have only just been pulled down. Cuellar is definitely paving the way for innovative constituent service. Congratulations — or perhaps more accurately, поздравления, to him.
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