Hunter Biden is going to be indicted

So is Joe, Hillary, AOC… all thanks to Alvin Bragg opening Pandora’s Box

hunter biden indicted
President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden (Getty)

Thanks to New York County district attorney Alvin Bragg, a former president Joe Biden is likely to live out his remaining years watching his only living son go to federal prison. He might even find himself charged as a co-conspirator in one of Hunter Biden’s several financial entanglements for which he currently finds himself under DoJ investigation.  

Sure, when that day comes, the media will scream about political prosecutions and the authoritarian streak of President Ron DeSantis and his attorney general. They will write headlines about the United States becoming a banana republic and MSNBC will have…

Thanks to New York County district attorney Alvin Bragg, a former president Joe Biden is likely to live out his remaining years watching his only living son go to federal prison. He might even find himself charged as a co-conspirator in one of Hunter Biden’s several financial entanglements for which he currently finds himself under DoJ investigation.  

Sure, when that day comes, the media will scream about political prosecutions and the authoritarian streak of President Ron DeSantis and his attorney general. They will write headlines about the United States becoming a banana republic and MSNBC will have to clean graphite off its roof. 

None of that will matter, thanks to Alvin Bragg. Nancy Pelosi might be 137 years old, but that probably won’t stop a Republican AG or DA from indicting her for possible insider trading. Martha Stewart went to prison for less. Perhaps a prosecutor will start combing through the financials of the Clinton family. Hillary and Bill might be getting a bit too long in the tooth to be tried for any crimes, but their daughter isn’t. Several members of the Squad have faced financial ethics complaints about campaign funds, including Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Are they next? 

If you, dear reader, don’t believe any of these hypothetical situations can and will happen now that Donald Trump has become the first former president to be indicted in our nation’s history, then you haven’t been paying attention. The law of slippery slopes has backfired on the Democrats and their media allies time and time again. It cost the Supreme Court for a generation after then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid did away with the judicial filibuster. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell gave Reid a stern warning that the party would come to regret that decision. They have.  

The same “norms” now applies here thanks to Alvin Bragg’s questionable actions to move forward with an indictment of Donald Trump on extremely shaky legal ground. Precedent has now been set. It’s a whole new world — and that could come back to bite Hunter, Joe Biden and a number of other high-profile Democrats. When that happens, the shrieking from their allies won’t matter.  

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