Candace Owens: ‘France is being run by perverts’

The former Daily Wire host doubles down on Brigitte Macron trans claims

candace owens perverts
Candace Owens (Getty)
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After staking her entire career on her claim that French first lady Brigitte Macron was born a man, former Daily Wire host Candace Owens was suddenly ousted from the company. While her criticism of Israel’s war in Gaza is ostensibly what got her the boot, Cockburn is sure claiming perverts run the French government didn’t help her case. Owens, who has always reveled in controversy, does not seemed phased however. “I am finally free,” she rejoiced, including to renew her attacks on Brigitte.

“France is being run by perverts,” she declared, in a sentence that could be considered…

After staking her entire career on her claim that French first lady Brigitte Macron was born a man, former Daily Wire host Candace Owens was suddenly ousted from the company. While her criticism of Israel’s war in Gaza is ostensibly what got her the boot, Cockburn is sure claiming perverts run the French government didn’t help her case. Owens, who has always reveled in controversy, does not seemed phased however. “I am finally free,” she rejoiced, including to renew her attacks on Brigitte. 

“France is being run by perverts,” she declared, in a sentence that could be considered objectively true in any of the last few centuries.

The crusade against the French first family resumed earlier this month when Piers Morgan bet Owens $100,000 that Brigitte is in fact a woman. On Wednesday, Owens issued a challenge of her own. She’s willing to give Morgan $50,000 to announce on air that Macron was not statutorily raped by his future wife when he was a student, $50,000 to announce that Brigitte was not born a man and a final $50,000 to announce that an ongoing defamation case is strictly about Brigitte’s gender. 

“That’s it Piers, read the docs: 50k, 50k, 50k — that’s $150,000 for uttering a couple of sentences. I want you to put your neck on the line,” Owens said, who is confident the truth is on her side and does not want Morgan to have the chance walk back his position after it is revealed. “I want you to actually say that because I am that convinced you are lying.” 

Owens accused Morgan of lying by omission during their June 12 interview when he said Brigitte is suing “independent journalist” Natacha Rey — Cockburn uses the term loosely — over claims that the first lady is transgender. According to Owens, Rey is actually being sued over comments made about Jean Michael Trigneux’s birth certificate. Depending on which side of the conspiracy theory you fall on, Trigneux is either Brigitte’s brother or her secret male identity. In 2021, Rey twice requested Trigneux’s birth certificate from Amiens, his birth town, but the town hall denied possession of the document. When Rey later claimed that the birth certificate must be falsified, Amiens released the document, providing the grounds for the libel suit. 

Owens also questioned why Brigitte would not sue Xavier Poussard, the editor-in-chief of Faits et Documents which published Rey’s investigation, instead of Rey. Owens reached out to Poussard on X who said he is currently taking legal action against the French government for denying access to documents about Trigneux. Conveniently, Poussard could not appear on Owens’s show to explain his own legal battles since his English is too poor. 

For his part, Morgan wants no part of Owens’ new bet. “I note your frantic attempts to deflect attention from our original bet,” he wrote on X. “So let me repost it. Either accept or decline, your choice. One of us has spread lies about Brigitte Macron, and it’s not me.”