The Democrats do not care a whit about democracy

Fourteen million people voted for Biden in the primaries. What about their votes? Don’t be naive

Vice President new car smell kamala harris

The events of the last few days have made incontrovertible something that candid observers have known for some time now: that the word “democracy” in the maw of Democrats bears the same relation to really existing democracy that the Russian word “Pravda” bore to really existing truth in the Soviet era.

If you look it up, you’ll see that “Pravda” means “truth.” At least, that’s what the dictionary says it means. But anyone on the ground, experiencing the full-court press of Soviet disinformation knew that the newspaper Pravda deployed the word “truth” only to undermine it. It was necessary…

The events of the last few days have made incontrovertible something that candid observers have known for some time now: that the word “democracy” in the maw of Democrats bears the same relation to really existing democracy that the Russian word “Pravda” bore to really existing truth in the Soviet era.

If you look it up, you’ll see that “Pravda” means “truth.” At least, that’s what the dictionary says it means. But anyone on the ground, experiencing the full-court press of Soviet disinformation knew that the newspaper Pravda deployed the word “truth” only to undermine it. It was necessary to pay lip service to the charade. Otherwise the Potemkin village that had been so carefully built up and that maintained the prevailing consensus might crumble, and who knows what might happen then?

In the beginning, a large part of the population, fired by ideological zeal, actually believed the fiction that was palmed off as the truth. As time passed and the contradictions between word and deed accumulated, however, fewer and fewer believed it, even if many continued to say they did. Eventually, the acrid stench of hypocrisy overcame all but the most committed ideologues — or the most cynical powerbrokers.

That is where we are now in the twilight of Bidendom. Everyone with eyes to see has known he is and has been a malign and senile puppet. But until his debate with Donald Trump a few weeks ago, we were all told to forget the evidence of our eyes and ears and join the Orwellian chorus that insisted he was “sharp as a tack,” “intensely probing,” etc.

Now that Biden — or someone writing over his name — has declared that he would not be running for reelection, thus clearing the runway for his DEI vice president, person-of-color Kamala Harris, the farce of Biden’s cognitive competence could be retired in favor of lo-cal encomia to his “selflessness” and public-spirited support of “democracy.”

But pay attention. What just happened is essentially an anti-democratic coup. Kamala Harris, who got no delegates — zero — when she ran for president in 2020 and was only chosen as Biden’s running mate because he had promised to pick a black woman, is on the cusp of being handed the Democratic nomination for president of the United States.

Fourteen million people voted for Biden in the primaries. What about their votes? Don’t be naive. The voters don’t matter except as a matter of packaging. What matters is what the mostly unnamed Council of Elders wants. They wanted Biden when he was a useful proxy. When he ceased being useful, he was cashiered. Just today it was announced that those transcripts Special Counsel Robert Hur made of his conversation with Biden — the ones that prompted him to say that Biden was an elderly man with a poor memory who was not fit to stand trial — suddenly the DoJ found them and is about to release them. Expect a lot more where that came from.

But the real take away from this melancholy farce is that the Dems do not care a whit about democracy. They believe, as I have often observed, that “democracy” means “rule by Democrats.” In 2020 they managed the balancing act whereby  they shouted “our democracy” while actually working to destroy it. They are hoping it will work again this time. The phoenix-like return of Donald Trump, together with the malevolent preposterousness of Kamala Harris,  makes that exceedingly unlikely. And that, it may almost go without saying, is as reassuring a thing for genuine democracy as it is devastating for the fraud that goes under the nauseating title of “Our Democracy.”

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